Internationalisation of Leading-Edge Clusters, Forward-Looking Projects and Comparable Networks (InterSpiN+)
With the funding measure InterSpiN the development of internationalisation concepts and their realization in projects on equal terms with global partners will be supported.
In a first tender phase, which began in early 2016, eleven projects were recommended for funding. The eleven projects of the second round were initiated in early 2017. The ten projects of the third round have begun at the beginning of 2018.
Aim of the accompanying research is to extend the knowledge about questions of the international cooperation of clusters and networks, to feedback the results to the actors and to organize the exchange of the experiences, as well as to support the persons involved with the exchange of the successful preparation and realization of their internationalisation strategy. Subsequently to InterSpiN, the new InterSpiN+ project was initiated in the beginning of 2019. The extend of InterSpiN+ covers the deepening of the knowledge about the internationalization of clusters and comparable networks with the focus on new specific topics that resulted from the InterSpiN project. These specific topics entail the classification of cluster/networks and their patterns of internationalization, the partner selection and analysis of their network structure as well as information- and knowledge-diffusion. A brief presentation of the funding measure by the accompanying research can also be found at: Video of the accompanying research InterSpiN+
In February 2021, the funded accompanying research InterSpiN+ has been successfully completed.
Accompanying Research with three strong partners

- Centre for Regional Innovation and Economics (CRIE) , University of Bremen
- Institute for the World Economy (IfW), University of Kiel
- Technopolis Germany GmbH, Frankfurt am Main

The Team of the accompanying research consists of ten employees of three partners. Here you find more information about us.

Since the beginning of 2016 eleven cluster/networks receive a funding. More clusters/networks will follow in the next two years. Here you find out more about the funded clusters/networks.

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