Approaching multinationals in clusters from different perspectives: An integration of literatures
One or all channels for knowledge exchange in clusters? Collaboration, monitoring and recruitment networks in the subsea industry in Rogaland, Norway
Industry 4.0 and clusters: complementaries or substitutes in firm’s knowledge creation?
Network failure: Biotechnology firms, clusters and collaborations far from the world superclusters
The global connectivity of regional innovation systems in Italy: a core–periphery perspective
Clusters and internationalization: the role of lead firms’ commitment and RIS proactivity in tackling the risk of internal fractures
Radical or not? The role of clusters in the emergence of radical innovations
Global labor flow network reveals the hierarchical organization and dynamics of geo-industrial clusters
Headquarters‐subsidiary knowledge strategies at the cluster level
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
Internationalization of cluster initiatives in Russia: empirical evidence
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
Network embeddedness in the internationalization of biotechnology entrepreneurs
Review of Income and Wealth
Off-shoring, Specialization and R&D
European Planning Studies
Fostering place-based innovation and internationalization – the new turn in German technology policy
European Management Journal
Proactive international strategies of cluster SMEs
Journal of International Management
Small Firm Boundary-spanning via Bridging Ties: Achieving International Connectivity via Cross-border Inter-cluster Alliances