The funded clusters of the first, second and third round
In the first, second and third round there have been funded altogether thirty-two leading-edge clusters from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research throughout Germany. (As of 16.04.2020)
- All
- Deutschland Standorte
- All
- Deutschland Standorte
AMZ Sachsen

AMZ Sachsen
Target countries concept phase: USA
Target countries implementation phase: USA
Alexander Helbych
Projektleiter TADA
Contact data:
Tel.: +49 1728380024

ARENA 2036

ARENA 2036 e.V.
Target countries concept phase: Australia, Canada
Target countries implementation phase: Australia
In addition to strengthening the cooperation with partners from Australia and the USA, ARENA2036 aims at becoming an international platform for lightweight construction across all parts of industrial production. ARENA2036 therefore researches areas of (automotive) production together with public-private partnerships in Swinburne, Ohio, and Michigan. ARENA2036 furthermore works on incorporating its small and medium-sized enterprises in all internationalization efforts by way of establishing a modus operandi that allows for a reliable and swift coordination of international research endeavors. This ought to allow all partners to develop new international relations, to tap international competencies, and to gain access to new business segments in technological as well as non-technological sectors. As for the latter, the management of the ARENA2036 research campus will itself become an object of scientific inquiry in order to address the cooperation of science and industry beneath one roof and so as to foster the international exchange of personal.
Dr. Clemens Ackermann
Forschungskoordination & Internationalisierung
Contact Data:
Arena 2036 e.V.
Pfaffenwaldring 19 | 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 711 685 68370

BioEconomy Cluster

BioEconomy Cluster
Target countries concept phase: China, England, Finnland, France, Netherlands
Target countries implementation phase: France
Within the internationalization project of “Beechwood International (BWI)” a concept will be created that sustainably strengthens the innovation power and international competitiveness of the actors of the BioEconomy Cluster in cooperation with international associates through a transnational usage of complementary competencies for material and energetically utilization of non-food biomass facilitating the entrance of markets in the prevailing partner regions. One major focus of the BioEconomy Cluster will be on the cascade usage of the local raw material beech wood. Cooperation will be formed with the partner clusters CLIC Innovation (Finland), Industries & Agro-Ressources (France), Biobased Delta Foundation (Netherlands), BioVale Ltd. (England) as well as the Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI, China).
In the context of the internationalization project international R&D&I-Cooperationprojects are supposed to be prepared for an additional implementation phase. As a consequence of these cooperation projects significant contributions can be expected for a transformation of a chemical industry and energy economy based on fossil raw materials towards a sustainable and CO2 neutral circular economy.
Steffen Ullmann, M.A.
Contact Data:
BioEconomy Clustermanagement GmbH
Blücherstraße 26 | 06120 Halle (Saale)
Tel.: +49 (0)345/ 1314 2732/p>
BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH
Target countries concept phase: Japan
Target countries implementation phase: Japan
The European metropolitan area of Munich accommodates the leading location of biotechnology in Germany.
One major profit of the location is the tight connection between academic research and biomedical industry. The majority of SMEs are foundings of scientific institutions. The region is dynamic: in the last five years about 40 new business start-ups were established. The region is focused: the focus of the company’s working fields lie on the pharmaceutical-medical area. The profile of Munich got sharpened through the leading-edge cluster program “m4 – personalized medicine and targeted therapy”. Many independent studies emphasize the position of the biotechnology cluster of Munich as one of the European leading groups with regard to their location.
Internationalization: Bavaria and Japan are two leading regions for industry and research in the field of future medicine – the cooperation is supposed to contribute to a further development of biomedical innovation through bundling bi-national competences.
Dr. Stephanie Wehnelt
Head of International Affairs
Contact Data:
BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH
Am Klopferspitz 19a| 82152 Martinsried
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 / 89 96 79-29


Target countries concept phase: China
Target countries implementation phase: China
On behalf of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, the research center Jülich has been running the BIO.NRW office since 2008 and supports the state cluster manager for biotechnology, Dr. med. Bernward Garthoff. The cluster is not a member association, but is currently working on behalf of the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Digitization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MWIDE). Due to its legal status, BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH is in a position to implement various services that are in the general interest and area of responsibility of the cluster. It is thus the economically active part of the cluster and supports selected activities and events of the cluster BIO.NRW.
North Rhine-Westphalia is located in the middle of Europe and is the most densely populated of the 16 German states. The most important metropolitan area is the Rhine-Ruhr area with 9.9 million inhabitants.
The cluster policy of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia promotes cooperation between companies, research institutes and the public sector along supply and value chains in the most important sectors and technology fields.
48.6% of the biotech industry's total turnover in Germany is generated by 109 core biotechnology companies with more than 4,400 employees. In addition, most biotechnological patent applications throughout Europe come from North Rhine-Westphalia.
For more information:
ChInValue - NRW-China cooperations: A Strategic Perspective for Innovative Life Science Value Chains
The strategic partnership between the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the partner provinces of Jiangsu and Sichuan is based on cooperation agreements with these provinces, which were signed more than 30 years ago. With the help of the new China 2025 policy by the Chinese government, China became one of the world's leading research nations and has been systematically expanding its innovation capacity.
The cluster BIO.NRW has set the goal, together with life science clusters of the NRW partner provinces of Sichuan and Jiangsu and other important stakeholders from academia and industry, to lift the innovation potential of this development by addressing the major biomedical challenges of the aging society in Germany and China. A key element here is the establishment of the NRW China Life Science Business Forum as a permanent and sustainable structure under the organizational ownership of the BIO.NRW cluster.
The technological innovation co-operations will focus on new therapeutic approaches, innovative diagnostics and complementary competences for the development of new biopharmaceutical production processes.
The R & D & I projects of the ChInValue Spitzencluster project aim to expand the cooperation and innovation structures in the life science sector in NRW and the partner provinces of Jiangsu and Sichuan into sustainable and innovative value chains.


BioRN Network e.V
Target countries concept phase: Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands
Target countries implementation phase: Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands
To drive the development of the personalized medicine, in the metropolitan region Rhein-Neckar around the cities Heidelberg, Mannheim, Ludwigshafen and Darmstadt in the last 15 years a strong biomedicine-cluster has been developed, in which establishments like the University of Heidelberg, the German Cancer Research Centre, the University clinic of Heidelberg and the European Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and companies like Roche, Merck and AbbVie as well as around 80 small- and medium-sized companies research on new treatment approaches and medicines.
The BioRN is supported by the state Baden-Württemberg and by regional partners like the Technology Park of Heidelberg, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the metropolitan region Rhein-Neckar.
Dr. Julia Schaft
Project Manager
Contact Data:
BioRN Network e.V
Im Neuenheimer Feld 582 | 69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 6221 4305 111

CFK Valley

CFK Valley e.V.
Target countries concept phase: Japan
Target countries implementation phase: Japan
Dr. Bastian Brenken
Technical Director
Contact Data:
CFK Valley e.V.
Ottenbecker Damm 12 | 21664 Stade, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 4141 40740 - 15
Fax: +49 (0) 4141 40740 - 29

Cluster industrielle Biotechnologie

Cluster Industrial Biotechnology – CLIB ²021 e.V.
Target countries concept phase: Belgium, Netherlands
Target countries implementation phase: Belgium, Netherlands, Austria
The regions Nordrhein-Westfalen, Flanders and the Netherlands build Europe’s leading industrial region with a very strong chemical industry. However, the industrial processes base nearly exclusive on fossil resources. Because of that, aim of the BIG-C Process is to develop the region into the international leading location of the bio-economy and of the recycling. To reach this aim, quantities of available sources for raw materials in this region like wood, municipal waste and industrial carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide streams should be used as raw materials for a sustainable production of chemicals. A sustainable use of raw materials and waste won’t only strengthen the economy in the BIG-C region, create new workspace and reduce the dependence on fossil resources, but also has the potential to reduce the climate gas emissions and as a result to have a positive effect on the environment. Furthermore the BIG-C region can function as a model region for other locations in Germany and Europe.
The project work focuses on the fields of work internationalization, scientific research and development, training and technology transfer. CLIB2021 cooperates with national and international academic and industrial partners.
Dr. Katrin Kriebs
Project Manager and Scientific Advisor
Contact Data:
CLIB2021 – Cluster Industrielle Biotechnologie e.V.
Völklinger Str. 4 | 40219 Düsseldorf
Tel.: +49 (0) 211 / 67 931-38
Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 67 931-49

Cluster Leistungselektronik

ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
Target countries concept phase: Japan
Target countries implementation phase: Japan
- Building and coordination of a cooperation network
- Initiation of research and application projects
- Strategic exploring of markets for the Bavarian companies, especially SME
- Promotion of young qualified employees through education and training and measures against lack of engineers
Peter Rechberger
Project & Innovation Manager
Project Leader Custer-Internationalization
Contact Data:
ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V.
Cluster Power Electronic
Landgrabenstraße 94 | 90443 Nürnberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 911 / 81 02 88-12
Fax: +49 (0) 911 / 81 02 88 28

Cluster Mechatronik & Automation

Cluster Mechatronik & Automation Management gGmbH
Target countries concept phase: Netherlands
Target countries implementation phase: Netherlands

Cluster for Excellence – strategic goal of the ‘Additive4Industrie’ project is to develop with professional support from the members an individual adjusted strategy for the cluster Mechatronik & Automation to merge a continuous and structured advancement of the supply for members in the cluster and the bigger cluster community in a strategic concept.For 2018 and the following Years, the cluster Mechatronik & Automation chose the region Brabant/Brainport as a cooperation partner. We are expecting prominent contributions regarding innovation in the additive manufacture and digitalization from Brabant/Brainport.The project is organized in three partitions:
- Development of an internationalization strategy
Members of the clusters are called to participate in the workshops regarding development of a strategy of their cluster. Active participation is desired.
- Partners from Bavaria and Brabant aimed to implement up to three R&D projects in international consortia to the theme of Additive Manufacturing combined with technologies of Industry 4.0. This shall be reached by a for SME tailored approach in the following areas:
- Continuous digitalization of the processes
- Continuous improvement process of the value-added processes
- Individualization of the products and the process transparency
Each project is funded with 50%, the maximal conveyor sum per project constitutes 1 Million Euro (for the Bavarian companies) plus 1 Million Euro out of dutch R&D funds for companies from Brabant.
- All members are called to participate at the theme group IP-Security. Under instructions and moderation of a professional expert are agreements developed to safe the Know-How of the company also internationally.
In the Cluster Mechatronik & Automation are 200 actors out of all in the development of mechatronics and its application interested industries. The association supports the exchange and builds regional value-added chains. The networking of the mechatronic competences in industry and scientific institutions strengthens the Bavarian economy and raises the attractiveness of the location Bavaria. The network is a platform and at the same time also a forum for definition and implementation of measures, which support the progress of the mechatronic and bordering branches.
We support the commitment of mechatronic methods in the development and production for an increase in efficiency of resources and the quality of processes and products. The areas of activity of the cluster are the intensifying of the contacts between R&D institutions, companies and also user. Therefore, we use communication, transfer and qualification, different supplies of event – from a cluster meeting up to a common stand on a fair – as well as the labor in tight focused theme groups or Joint research projects. Together with members are other relevant further educations supplied or organized.
Heiko Bartschat (Dipl.-Kfm. (Univ.))
Contact data:
Am Technologiezentrum 5
86159 Augsburg
Tel.: +49 (0)175 2653 339
Fax: +49 (0)821 56 97 97 - 50

Cool Silicon

Cool Silicon e.V.
Target countries concept phase: Belgium, Czech Republic
Target countries implementation phase: Czech Republic
The FMER leading-edge cluster Cool Silicon develops energy-efficient solutions for micro- and nano-electronics as well as their field of application. The cluster’s associates of science and economy realized energy savings of about 80 percent on components level in three fields of action “production- and process-technology”, “radio technology”, and “sensors” through the support of the federation and additionally of the Free State of Saxony. After the establishment of the “Internet of Things”, energy efficient electronics gained global relevance. According to a report of the International Energy Agency (IAE) about 400TWh energy got wasted while using the standby-mode in 2013 – this is 28 times of capacity of the ten biggest nuclear power stations of the world in 2014.
The current cooperation of the FMER leading-edge cluster Cool Silicon with its partner clusters Minalogic from Grenoble (France), DSP Valley from Leuven (Belgium), and High Tech NL from Eindhoven (Netherlands) is supposed to be intensified through the project “iCool”. The actors of the clusters expect at least the following positive effects:
- The incurred sensitivity and the results achieved in benefit of a higher energy-efficiency of electronics experience international imitation and support.
- Improvements of the energy-efficiency of electronics will be implemented in the system- and user-industry resulting in a steep increase of the current effects.
- The currently regional topic with national radiance will develop to a national focus with global radiance.
- The established cooperation between SMEs, universities and non-university research institutions in the FMER leading-edge cluster Cool Silicon will especially enable SMEs to show proficiency in their innovative and competitive potentials on international markets.
In the same extent as energy-efficient solutions get necessary elements of “Industry 4.0”, “iCool” can significantly contribute to secure the prosperity, employment, digital sovereignty, and climate protection in Germany and beyond.
Frank Bösenberg
Contact Data:
Cool Silicon e.V.
Manfred-von-Ardenne-Ring 20F | 01099 Dresden
Tel.: +49 3518925800


DeepSea Mining Alliance e.V.
Target countries concept phase: France, Norway
The network ‘DeepSea Mining Alliance’ (DSMA) was established in April 2014 as an association in Hamburg and has currently 28 members, of which 6 members are international members. The federal governance decided in 2011 about the National Masterplans Maritime Technologies (NMMT), which supported the labor of the DSMA in the past Years. The DSMA got an intensive support in the past Years by the federal Association of German Industry (FGI). Essential goals of the association are the bundling of activities for a from Germany worn environment friendly deep-sea mining. Further goals are:
- Forming of an industrial core team for national and international deep-sea mining activities
- The development of international cooperation projects regarding the deep-sea mining
- The promotion of the development of innovative and environmental friendly technologies based in Joint Industry Projects (JIP) and R&D projects
- Preparation and execution of PMT, which was demanded by the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea, in the both German licensed territory for deep-sea nodules and massive sulfides
- Tight and cross-project collaboration with leading national and international research institutes in unique consideration of all environmentally relevant aspects
- A stronger extension of international contacts and cooperation
In the context of the internationalization project of the DSMA, the association plans a conspicuous intensification with cooperation partner from France, Belgium, Norway and Poland/East-Europe. Disregarding Norway, all partners have licenses of exploration for marine mineral raw materials available. The proposed extension of international cooperation has a unique advantage for the DSMA and its members: by the complementary innovation competence about international building of networks the preparation and execution of common developments, experiments, tests of components and Pilot Mining Tests can be supported. This international approach of clusters of the DSMA in the advocated bias is novel and a coactive requirement for a German participation in prospective international deep-sea mining projects.
Johannes Post
Contact data:
Rödingsmarkt 39
D-20459 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)172 5119577
E-Mail: post@deepsea-mining-alliance.

EffizienzCluster LogistikRuhr

EffizienzCluster Management GmbH
Target countries concept phase: Netherlands, Spain, Great Britain, Italy
Target countries implementation phase: Netherlands, Italy, Colombia
Contact data:
Kölner Str. 80 - 82
45481 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)208-9925 - 255
Fax.: +49 (0)208-9925 - 222

Elektromobilität Süd-West

Elektromobilität Süd-West
Target countries concept phase: France
Target countries implementation phase: France
Based on the globally unique possibilities of the regions Karlsruhe – Mannheim – Stuttgart – Ulm, in which the automobile industry is strongly rooted with its suppliers and production equipment suppliers, the cluster “Elektromobilität Süd-West” connects about 100 actors in the economic and scientific field. Managed by the state agency for electro mobility and fuel cell technology in Baden-Württemberg e-mobil BW GmbH, the cluster follows the aim to push ahead the industrialization of electro mobility in Germany and to make Baden-Württemberg one of the substantial providers of networked electro mobile solutions.
The exchange and cross-border cooperation with internationally leading technology networks is a central element of the cluster’s strategy. Through the project “German-French alliances for innovative mobility technologies (AllFraTech)” the cluster deepens and strengthens its cooperation to the actors of the French region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Here the cluster LUTB-RAAC represents the cluster associate which connects more than 185 associates in this region. Essential priorities of research actions of the French partner network are social, technological and economical requirements to future transportation systems of urban conurbation as well as the development of innovative mobility solutions.
Within the framework of the concept phase of the project “German-French alliances for innovative mobility technologies (AllFraTech)” the cluster “Elektromobilität Süd-West” with its associates from the industry, science, and research will work for an extensive strategy for a long-term cooperation with LUTB-RAAC. Based on the innovation strategy of both networks, the technological competences of its actors, and current challenges of future mobility systems, main fields of action for cross-border research and development cooperation will be identified. One important aim is the support of SMEs in their international cooperation.
On the basis of mutually worked out cooperation strategies, cross-border research and development actions with regard to current problems of future mobility technologies will be initiated and incidental policies will be worked out to strengthen the cooperation relationship between actors in both regions. In addition, actors of both cluster networks will be integrated directly through strategic workshops and working groups into the design of the projects.
Stefan Büchele
Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Förderpolitik
Contact Data:
e-mobil BW GmbH
Leuschnerstr. 45| 70176 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0) 711 / 892385 19
Fax: +49 (0) 711 / 892385 49

Forum Organic Electronics / InnovationLab

InnovationLab GmbH
Target countries concept phase: South Korea, USA
Target countries implementation phase: South Korea, USA
The leading-edge cluster “Forum Organic Electronics” with its associates is concentrating on the field of organic and printed electronics. The project “Global Triangle for Sensor Nodes” (TRISENSE) focuses on “Wireless Sensor Nodes” which represent combined sensor- and communication-elements. These nodes can be produced through cost-effective and sustainable printing processes on light, thin, and mechanically flexible systems (e.g. foil). Therefore printed “Wireless Sensor Nodes” are predestined for future fields of application like Industry 4.0 (interlinking production and IT), Internet of Things (IoT), Wearables (portable electronics), and Health Monitoring (observation of health relevant data).
On the basis of purposeful cooperation with international associates from industry and leading research institutions in innovative regions like South Korea and USA, the project TRISENSE will strengthen and complete current networks. The international connection of cluster associates with structure in/connection to South Korea and USA enable medium- and long-term access to prevailing research- and expert-pools for the leading-edge cluster. In addition, an independent exchange between actors with complementary competences will be established and the access to international leading cooperation partners for German companies, especially SMEs, will be facilitated. All in all, the leading-edge cluster strives for an improvement in its innovative capability and international competiveness.
The entire funding measure supports leading-edge clusters, future projects, and comparable networks in developing and implementing cooperation resulting in leading international regions of innovation with complementary competencies. The improved innovation competence helps to reach a leading market position of German companies and research institutes. Simultaneously an added value is created for all cooperation associates.
Christian Melzer
Head of Academic Affairs and State Funded Projects
Contact Data:
InnovationLab GmbH
Speyerer Straße 4 | 69115 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 6221 / 5419169
Fax: +49 (0) 6221 / 5419110

Hamburg Aviation

Hamburg Aviation
Target countries concept phase: Canada, Brasil, Portugal
Target countries implementation phase: Canada
Hamburg Aviation is the aviation cluster of the metropolitan region Hamburg – one of the worldwide most important locations of the civil aviation industry. Altogether more than 40.000 highly qualified employees work for the future of flying.
The cluster actors cover with their expertise the whole life cycle of an airplane: from the development, production and montage over the air transport system, the maintenance, repair and refit, to the recycling. With this Hamburg is the third largest location of the civil aviation worldwide.
Besides the two industrial giants Airbus and Lufthansa Technic as well as the Airport Hamburg over 300 small- and medium-sized companies and diverse technological-scientific institutions contribute to the Know-how.
The aviation cluster Hamburg Aviation works out together with its member organizations an internationalization strategy. The strategy focuses especially the intercontinental target regions, for example Québec (Canada) and shows courses of action for this new target markets.
In the strategy process the cluster Hamburg Aviation has identified the acceleration of the international activities of the cluster members as an essential requirement. The preparation of the internationalization strategy occurs in a similar way as the production of the cluster strategy in 2014. For this an intensive and participative process is planned which includes all interested members of the cluster. The process will be controlled by a project team, which is composed of employees of the registry, of the ZAL and of selected cluster actors. Furthermore there are – especially for workshops or specific topics – more competences from research institutes and companies needed for the professionally support, which will be included in the subcontract. This is meant for expertise with regard to the IP-Right, technological topics and market analysis.
Dr. Christian Scherhag
Head of International Affairs
Contact Data:
Hamburg Aviation
Wexstraße 7 | 20355 Hamburg
Tel.: + 49 (0) 40 / 22 70 19 479
Fax: +49 (0) 40 / 22 70 19 784

Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung

Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV) in Industry and the Skilled Crafts at RWTH Aachen University
Target countries concept phase: Slovenia, Korea
Target countries implementation phase: Slovenia
By the close co-operation of Science and Economy and the specific use of synergies the Cluster IKV with head office in Aachen has grown to an international key driver in the plastic industry with 252 member firms which represents the entire value chain of the plastic processing. By the constant integration of small and medium-sized companies a big network of innovative actors of the industry has been built with the common target to create innovations in all sectors of the plastic technology. Besides the construction and maintenance of a high innovative capability, education, support and practical oriented qualification of specialists as well as production and transfer of knowledge and findings in the industrial environment through common research projects of industry and science stand in the focus.
Aim of the internationalization strategy is the construction of sustainable international cooperation between the cluster IKV and selected prioritized partner networks, to achieve long-term strategic advantages for the cluster members as well as for the cooperation partner at the current locations. The strived effects are the increase of innovation competences and competitiveness by a global contemplation of the value chain. By doing this, the leading and growth markets of the future can be developed faster, more profitable and safer by German companies of the plastic industry – which are traditionally embossed by SMEs. Based on an initial screening and on a needs analysis the network structure as a central part of the concept will be extended and an international cooperation platform will be built up. On this platform cooperation projects of members from different cluster should be initiated and realized in the implementation phase. The three identified priorities education, research and development as well as technology transfer not just reflect the main activities of the cluster IKV for the German plastic industry but also take up three of the five essential target fields of the BMBF-action plan “International Cooperation”.
Dipl.-Ing. Mauritius Schmitz
Scientific Director
Contact Data:
Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV) in Industry
and the Skilled Crafts at RWTH Aachen University
Seffenter Weg 201 | 52074 Aachen
Tel.: +49 (0) 241 80-93881
Fax: +49 (0) 241 80-92262
International Sports-Innovation-Network (SINN-i)

Cluster Innovationsmanufaktur GmbH
Target countries concept phase: China, France, Japan, Canada, Spain, UK
Target countries implementation phase: Japan, Spain, UK, South Africa
The project „Internationalization of the Sport-Innovation-Network (SINNi)“ follows the overall goal of a constant (further) development of mechanisms and competences of the Sport-Innovation-Network (SINN). The latter is to be achieved through purposeful cooperation with companies using complementary technologies in leading international innovation regions (especially: Centre for Sports Engineering Research of the Sheffield Hallam University in Sheffield, Great Britain; Gaia in Bilbao, Spain; ISPO Shanghai, China; Tokyo University, Japanese Sports Engineering Association (JSEA), and Japan Institute of Sport Science (JISS), all in Japan). As a result of contacting associates, international projects are supposed to be generated promising new products and services in the future market “Health Style” for the German as well as the prevailing market of the associate’s region. The term “Health Style” stands for a promising future market. It describes the support of a healthy way of life as a positive value and a solid element of a modern and aware lifestyle.
The entire funding measure supports leading-edge clusters, future projects, and comparable networks in developing and implementing cooperation resulting in leading international regions of innovation with complementary competencies. The improved innovation competence helps to reach a leading market position of German companies and research institutes. Simultaneously an added value is created for all cooperation associates.
Franziska Krüger
Project Managerin
Contact Data:
Innovationsmanufaktur GmbH
Hohenzollernstraße 26 | 80801 München
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 18 91 719 0
Fax: +49 (0) 89 18 91 719 20

it's OWL

it's OWL Clustermanagement GmbH
Target countries concept phase: Canada, Finland
Target countries implementation phase: Canada
Salome Leßmann, B.Sc.
International Relations
Contact data:
Tel.: +49 5251 5465 283

Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid

Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid
Target countries concept phase: France
Target countries implementation phase: France
“Development of an internationalization concept for the KIMW Cluster“
Within the framework of high-tech-funding measures for the internationalization of leading edge cluster, future projects and comparable networks declared by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Plastics Institute Lüdenscheid takes a stake in the award-winning project “Development of an internationalization concept for the KIMW Cluster“. The network of mostly small and medium sized companies with the large scale industry and the research system of Germany with it’s over 250 members in the KIMW Cluster has been awarded several times. The size of the cluster, the technological orientation and the very good management structures fulfill the aim of the high-tech-funding of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The global collaboration with partner on the highest technical level enables the location Germany to hold, to extend or to win back its leading competitive position. The planned internationalization concept pursues the aim to evaluate comparable partner of innovation regions in the European or non-European environment for the existing KIMW cluster network, to reach the next higher technological level by the planned R&D plan. Through this cooperation pre-eminent scientific-technological developments and innovations should be enabled and be made accessible for SMEs. The Plastics Institute is member of the “go-cluster” since 2005 and wears the Gold Label for Clusterexcellence since 2013.
Through the cooperation with international partner projects several innovative research sectors of the process optimization and material development will be dealt. The aim is to enable a win-win situation of the competences and market accesses for the involved partners. The main emphases in terms of content are to make the surfaces and layer technologies usable in the wide field of Plastics Industry, like they are used in the aerospace engineering technology. Through this a long term international cooperation with strategic advantages in the market and technology field should be reached for the cluster actors.
Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid
Karolinenstraße 8
58507 Lüdenscheid
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Eulenstein
Managing Director
Tel.: +49 (0) 23 51.10 64-195
Leichtbau BW

Cluster Leichtbau BW
Target countries concept phase: Canada, USA
Target countries implementation phase: Canada
The major aim of the project „Transatlantic Cluster for Lightweighting (TraClight)“ is the development of an internationalization concept which enables the creation of a sustainable international cooperation between Leichtbau BW and selected prioritized partner networks and thus creating long-term strategic advantages for the members of the cluster at their prevailing location. On the basis of a global examination of the value chain of metallic and multi-material lightweight construction, with special focus on car manufacturing, targeted effects are increasing innovative capabilities and improving competitiveness of the actors, especially of SMEs. An assessment of needs is used to further develop the network structure, to build and extend contacts to actors in Ontario (Canada) und Michigan (USA, and to initiate transnational R&D&I-Cooperation as central elements of the project. Cooperation with North American associates is especially build up through the Waterloo Centre for Automotive Research (WatCAR), Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow (LIFT), and the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI). In the course of the internationalization strategic fields of action of Leichtbau BW are internationally transferred and extended to selected target regions.
The entire funding measure supports leading-edge clusters, future projects, and comparable networks in developing and implementing cooperation resulting in leading international regions of innovation with complementary competencies. The improved innovation competence helps to reach a leading market position of German companies and research institutes. Simultaneously an added value is created for all cooperation associates.
Dr. Wolfgang Seeliger
Contact Data:
Leichtbau BW GmbH
Breitscheidstr. 4 | 70174 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0) 711 / 128988-41
Mob: +49 (0) 151 / 11711001
MAI Carbon

Cluster MAI Carbon
Target countries concept phase: USA, South Korea
Target countries implementation phase: USA, South Korea
Das Projekt „International Bridges for Innovation in Carbon Composites (MAI_iBIC)“ des Spitzenclusters MAI Carbon verfolgt mehrere Ziele. Zum einen soll die Technologieentwicklung vorangetrieben werden, indem Technologielücken des Spitzenclusters MAI Carbon identifiziert und international nach geeigneten Partnern – insbesondere mit Blick auf das Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI), USA und dem Korean Carbon Valley, Südkorea – gesucht wird, um diese zukünftig zu schließen. Zum anderen wird mit dem Projekt die Stärkung der internationalen Sichtbarkeit und Vernetzung der Partner intendiert. Weiterhin wird das Ziel verfolgt, breitere Wissensstrukturen aufzubauen und an internationalen Entwicklungen zu partizipieren. Dies soll durch den Aufbau von Austausch- und Kooperationsstrukturen von Hochschulen, Universitäten und Instituten realisiert werden. Ein weiterer wichtiger Baustein stellt die Erschließung neuer Märkte dar, um Wertschöpfungsketten in neuen Branchen zu generieren. Damit sollen mittelfristig wirtschaftliche Mehrwerte für die unterschiedlichen Stakeholder-Gruppen, vornehmlich für KMU, entstehen und neue länder- und branchenübergreifende Wertschöpfungsketten initiiert werden. Begleitet wird das Vorhaben durch eine multidimensionale Standort- und Kommunikationskampagne, die zielgruppenspezifisch aufgebaut sein soll und die Öffentlichkeit über das Internationalisierungsprojekt informiert.
Die gesamte Fördermaßnahme unterstützt Spitzencluster, Zukunftsprojekte und vergleichbare Netzwerke in der Konzeption und Umsetzung von Kooperationen zu führenden internationalen Innovationsregionen mit komplementären Kompetenzen. Die dadurch verbesserte Innovationskompetenz soll auch einen Beitrag zum Erreichen einer führenden Marktposition deutscher Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen leisten. Gleichzeitig wird ein Mehrwert für alle Kooperationspartner geschaffen.
Sven Blanck
Controlling & Development
MAI Carbon Cluster Management GmbH
Am Technologiezentrum 5 | 86159 Augsburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 821 / 268411 15
Fax: +49 (0) 821 / 268411 09

Medical Mountains

Medical Mountains
Target countries concept phase: Finnland, USA
The cluster management of Medical Mountain offers a network which exceeds the borders of the cluster structure of the region Tuttlingen/Neckar-Alb and strengthens the international competiveness of local companies in fields of medical technology.
The aim of Medical Mountain is to purposefully connect companies of medical technology with each other as well as with research, to identify and use mutual strength, and to encourage international cooperation. As a consequence trendsetting synergies will be created, the power of innovation will be strengthened and the growth and extension of competitive advantages will be supported. The location Tuttlingen and its surrounding area will be secured as globally known and innovative “Global Center of Medical Technology”.
Within the framework of the internationalization concept Medical Mountain especially supports SMEs of the cluster to extend their possibilities to international cooperation. Over the course of the project an international innovation network will be built up to exploit know-how, which is decisive for the future. This will improve the innovative capability of the region and sustainably increase the international competitiveness. The project MInD will open up new doors for market-oriented, international cooperation.
Yvonne Glienke
Vorstand MedicalMountains AG
Contact Data:
MedicalMountains AG
Schützenstraße 14 | 78532 Tuttlingen
Tel.: +49 (0) 7461 96 97 211

Medical Valley EMN

Medical Valley European Metropolitan region Nürnberg e.V.
Target countries concept phase: Brasil, China, USA
Target countries implementation phase: Brasil, USA
Primary goal of the internationalization strategy of the Leading-Edge cluster Medical Valley European metropolitan region Nuremberg (EMN) is to further develop the already established strategic international partnerships with Hong Kong (Hub China), Porto Alegre (Hub Brazil) and Boston Area (Hub USA) to an international innovation system in the global growth sector medicine technology/healthcare industry.
Focus is the generation of international contributions for solutions for the global challenges of the healthcare of tomorrow. Through this global innovation system sustainable significant growing potentials in the key markets of the future should be developed for the German SMEs.
Decisive activities in the conception phase are the creation of a mutual innovation fund, the promotion of Start-Ups by strengthen the entrepreneurship-culture , the creation of an accelerator program with services for market access and IP support, the establishing of international Communities of Practice as well as the preparation of mutual F&E projects.
Benjamin Stöcklein
Head of International ServicesContact Data:
Medical Valley EMN e.V
Henkestraße 91 | 91052 Erlangen
Tel.: +49 (0) 9131 / 91617 49 Fax: +49 (0) 9131 / 91617 18


MERGE (Technology fusion for multifunctional lightweight structures
Technical University in Chemnitz
Target countries concept phase: Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain, Italy
Target countries implementation phase: Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic
The reduction of emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases and the efficient use of raw material and energy are strategic competitive factors in all sectors of economy. Their importance will continue to grow in the future. MERGE pursues a promising possible solution for these challenges: the fusion of single manufacturing methods in the production of weight optimized multi-functional structures. It is the only lightweight cluster in Europe that includes different sectors and which faces explicit the challenges of the development and use of scalable lightweight solutions where the mass production is possible.
For that, different technologies, actors and business concepts from different fields and business areas need to be combined, which portray the new global connected value chains in the car industry, aviation and space travel, machine construction as well as in the microsystem technology. They are relevant for the competition of the companies. The companies need them to launch new materials and innovative processes cost-effective and eco-friendly and to be able to exploit new production processes which otherwise wouldn’t be practicable and affordable for small- and medium-sized companies. The result are new innovation fields that offer the actors of MEGE and their partner cluster in Europe an enormous and sustained innovation and development potential. This should be used through well-directed and foresighted strategic cooperation and mutual innovations.
“MERGEurope” creates the best prerequisites for that: by the development und provision of knowledge, of market expertise as well as of efficient management methods and instruments.
At first, management capacities will be built up in the project with the job to identify innovation and business potentials with the partner cluster and to develop in sustainable manner international innovation cooperation. Together with 4-5 strong European partner cluster in 4 working packages strategies and mutual innovation management equipment will be developed and introduced. This will include an international network of innovation scouts and project managers which will primarily support the small- and medium-sized companies well-directed by a transboundary package of information, advice and project management services.
Finally three path-breaking topics for international innovation cooperation will be developed to realize the internationalization strategy. The content will be technology solutions which can be tailored on different conditions and regional requirements to accommodate for example the growing resource scarcity, possible supply risks and rising prices of raw material and energy.
Katharina Götz
Project manager MERGE
Project assistance MERGEurope
Contact Data:
Technical University in Chemnitz
Excellence cluster MERGE | 09126 Chemnitz
Tel.: +49 (0) 371 / 531 30498
Fax: +49 (0) 371 / 531 830498


Open Hybrid LabFactory e.V.
Target countries concept phase: Economic area: Asia-Pacific
Target countries implementation phase: Singapore
The project ‘Open Hybrid LabFactory – Asia Pacific’ aims for the extension of the competence portfolio of Open Hybrid LabFactory. This contains the exploitation of new areas of application as well as the integration of up- and downstream value-added steps. This development shall be supported by a goal-oriented cooperation with international partner clusters. The dynamic scientific and economic region Asia-Pacific - including China, Australia and Singapore - is the target region. In the course of a concentration phase, the scientific-technological capability of potential cooperation partners out of the Asian-Pacific region gets analyzed. A focusing on the elected cluster, with which ones runs of processes and rules for a cooperation at eye level shall be developed and implemented, occurs. In a participative approach, which one considers the needs and interests of the members of Open Hybrid LabFactory, a comprehensive internationalization concept is established. The requirements of small and medium-sized enterprises are particularly considered. The definition of international composite research projects, which shall start in the context of the implementation phase up from 2019, is an elementary component. The internationalization is a common approach of all current and future partner from science and economy. For these are yielding new innovation potentials and market accesses among the value-added chains of hybrid, multifunctional half-finished products and components.
M.Sc. Christian Gundlach
Contact Data:
Technische Universität Braunschweig Institut für Füge- und Schweißtechnik
Langer Kamp 8 | D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany
Open Hybrid LabFactory e.V.
Hermann-Münch-Straße 2 | 38440 Wolfsburg, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 531 391-65025
Mobil +49 (0) 151 29702629


Optence e.V.
Cluster: Finland, Lithuania, USA
Target countries concept phase: Lithuania, Finland, USA
Target countries implementation phase: Lithuania, Finland
Optence was founded in 2001 upon BMBF's initiative as a competence network for optical technologies. It has received the silver label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative and is a member of the "go cluster"-programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). At present the cluster has 90 members, 71% of them are small and medium-sized enterprises.
During the two-year conceptual phase of the project contacts to cluster organizations, companies, research institutes and business promotion organizations in the target regions Finland, Lithuania and Arizona will be established and strengthened. Moreover, a database featuring the players and their technological expertise will be created. Three subject areas for joint transnational R&D projects are to be identified, project outlines will be produced and a concept for the internationalization of the cluster will be drafted. In the next phase project consortia will be formed in the selected subject areas that will prepare cooperation contracts and project proposals. As accompanying measures, the cluster management will also develop IP consultancy, organize intercultural workshops, promote staff exchange between the target regions and evaluate and implement possibilities for cooperation in the field of further training. All this aims at internationalizing the innovation cluster and at making it easier for Optence SMEs involved in the cluster to get access to international R&D projects and to improve their cross-border contacts within the photonics industry.
Frau Reuter
Managing Director
Contact Data:
Optence e.V.
Kompetenznetz Optische Technologien Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz
Ober-Saulheimer-Str. 6 | 55286 Wörrstadt, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 6732 - 964 897


OptoNet e.V. - Photonics Network Thuringia
Target countries concept phase: USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea
Target countries implementation phase: USA, Canada, Japan
OptoNet bales the interests of more than 100 actors of the photonics sector, creates a common communication and cooperation platform, supports the international visibility of the cluster, initiates activities & programs for the promotion of young researchers and engages itself in Location Marketing. Next to ZEISS and JENOPTIK there are a large number of small and medium-sized technology companies which are member companies of OptoNet and lead with their products and services the world market or play an import role in it. With a lot of activities and services OptoNet drives the successful positioning of the cluster on national and international level and engages itself actively in supporting cooperation and organizes events and opportunities in further education.
In the context of the project [gloWIN] sponsored by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) the Photonics Network OptoNet e.V. formulates a strategic internationalization concept within a year, to secure and expand the achieved position of the region in the global competition. Together with the actors of the cluster the cluster management will drive the worldwide network with industry and research partners in the partner regions, analyze cooperation potentials and, based on the results, start international F&E-Projects that point the way ahead. Furthermore the activities for the global local marketing, the young staff recruitment activities and the start-up support are going to be intensified.
After finishing the project, projects for further cluster members should be initiated and materialized more easily by the expertise and growing visibility of the Thuringia photonics network in the international context built by the help of the project gloWIN.
Anke Mank
Internationale Kooperationen
Contact Data:
OptoNet e.V. - Photoniknetzwerk Thüringen Internationale Kooperationen
Leutragraben 1 | 07743 Jena
Tel.: +49 (0) 3641 / 573 36 55 Fax: +49 (0) 3641 / 573 36 59 E-Mail:

Organic Electronics Saxony (OES)

Organic Electronics Saxony Management GmbH
Target countries concept phase: Japan, Great Britain
Target countries implementation phase: Japan, Great Britain
The organic, flexible, printed electronic is a fundamental new Technology, which will produce applications and products, which are not imaginable with the classic silicon semiconductor technology. Besides the combination of both technologies, the hybrid electronic has a big future market. Through print or vacuum processes different electronic components can be produced, which includes organic light-emitting diodes, organic photovoltaic, printed batteries and organic transistors. Sensors, memories and circuits also can be produced with organic electronic. The unique position feature of the components lays in the fact, that they are extremely light and ultrathin as well as they can be flexible produced on foil or material and / or that they can be produced transparent on plastic foil or glass. Besides there is less need of energy in their production compared to the classic electronic and the used materials don’t need the use of rare earths or heavy metals. According to that the environmental audit of the waste disposal is significantly better.
Europe’s largest OE-Cluster is in the conurbation Dresden and organized in the network Organic Electronics Saxony (OES). Because the cluster doesn’t produce (end-) products, except some few cases, the internationalization of the network should help to push the breakthrough of the technology and to cope with expected technological obstacles.
Main target of the plan is the development of organic components forward to market launch in Germany. Because not all of the needed competences are available in Germany a number of international cooperation is targeted to complete the existing Know-how on-location. To reach this aim an internationalization strategy will be developed within the context of the program. Based on this a mutual value chain should be established in cooperation with partner cluster in Japan and Great Britain. Long-term partnerships with the named organizations are targeted, to improve sustainable the international networking and visibility of the members of Organic Electronic Saxony. Both cluster offer complementary expertise in the field of organic, printed and flexible electronic. The international actors cover together with the OES-members the whole value chain and provide the potential for a mutual commercialization of the organic electronic.
Dr. Dominik Gronarz
Contact Data:
Organic Electronics Saxony Management GmbH
Würzburger Str. 51| 01187 Dresden
Tel.: +49 (0) 351 / 4667 7180
Fax: +49 (0) 351 / 4667 7188


Software-Cluster International Office
TU Darmstadt | DP Informatik
Target countries concept phase: Brasil, Sinapore, USA
Target countries implementation phase: Brasil, Sinapore, USA
- Application-oriented prototypes in the areas of software-defined platforms (R & D project Silicon Valley), mobile enterprise software for advanced manufacturing (R & D project Singapore) and IT for energy management (R & D project Bahia)
- Extensive experience on best practices and success factors for international cluster cooperation with focus on the partner regions Bahia (Brazil), Singapore and Silicon Valley (USA)
- Comprehensive insights into the potential of software-defined platforms, mobile enterprise software for Advanced Manufacturing and IT for energy management considering needs and interests of the domestic Software-Cluster and its members.
Contact Data:
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3 | 66123 Saarbrücken
Tel.: +49 (0) 681/ 85775 5271
Fax: +49 (0) 681/ 85775 5020
Tilman Becker
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz

Wetzlar Network

Industrienetzwerk Region Wetzlar - Optik Elektronik Mechanik e.V.
Target countries concept phase: Czech Republic
Target countries implementation phase: Czech Republic
The strategic aims of Wetzlar Network are the regional establishment of new and innovative technologies in optics, electronics, and mechanics as well as the support of cross-sector and cross-border cooperation. On the basis of a strategic attempt and the project “Internationalization of the Wetzlar Network – Optics, Electronics, Mechanics (IOL)” the Wetzlar Network intends to internationalize. Companies in Wetzlar will gain access to modern laser technology and system-dependent knowledge especially through cooperation with Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) in Prague (Czech Republic). In return ELI receives practical knowledge of mechanical manufacturing, appropriate/corresponding access and thus long-term marketing possibilities for their own technological developments through companies in Wetzlar. An intense exchange between both innovators represents the center of the internationalization project. Especially with the international associates Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI, Czech Republic) and the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE, USA) innovative R&D projects in laser technology will be identified and prepared and will sustainably strengthen the internationalization strategy of the Wetzlar region.
The entire funding measure supports leading-edge clusters, future projects, and comparable networks in developing and implementing cooperation resulting in leading international regions of innovation with complementary competencies. The improved innovative capability helps to reach a leading market position of German companies and research institutes. Simultaneously an added value is created for all cooperation associates.
Ralf Niggemann
Contact Data:
Wetzlar Network
Ernst-Leitz-Straße 30 | 35578 Wetzlar
Tel.: +49 (0) 06441/992051


Target countries concept phase: Netherlands
Target countries implementation phase: Netherlands
Der regionale Wachstumskern „Wirbelschicht- und Granuliertechnik“ (WIGRATEC) mit Sitz in Weißandt-Gölzau in der Nähe von Halle/Saale ist durch kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU) bzw. Unternehmen mit KMU-ähnlicher Struktur geprägt. Übergeordnetes Ziel des Projekts „WIGRATEC-Cluster“ ist es, die Region Sachsen-Anhalt/Thüringen sowie die Niederlande zu einem international führenden Standort für Wirbelschicht- und Granuliertechnik im Bereich Futter- und Nahrungsmittel zu entwickeln und auf diesem Wege die Leistungs- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit aller beteiligten Akteure zu steigern. Gemeinsam mit der Netzwerkorganisation NWGD (Nederlandse Werkgroup Drogen – Niederländische Arbeitsgruppe für Trocknungstechnik) bzw. den darin organisierten Partnern sollen Technologien und Konversationsstrategien zur Schaffung neuer, grenzübergreifender Wertschöpfungsketten entwickelt werden. Ziel ist die Weltmarktführerschaft bei der entsprechenden Anlagentechnik.
Die konkreten Arbeitsziele innerhalb der 18-monatigen Konzeptionsphase sind u.a. die Erarbeitung eines Internationalisierungskonzepts, der Abschluss eines gemeinsamen Kooperationsvertrags, die Suche nach und Aufnahme von weiteren Partnern, der Aufbau einer web-basierten Austauschplattform, die Durchführung von Workshops zu verschiedenen Themen, die Ausrichtung eines internationalen Forums zum Thema „Particle formation in food and feed“ sowie eine Erweiterung der Managementstrukturen. Die gesamte Fördermaßnahme unterstützt Spitzencluster, Zukunftsprojekte und vergleichbare Netzwerke in der Konzeption und Umsetzung von Kooperationen zu führenden internationalen Innovationsregionen mit komplementären Kompetenzen. Die dadurch verbesserte Innovationskompetenz soll auch einen Beitrag zum Erreichen einer führenden Marktposition deutscher Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen leisten. Gleichzeitig wird ein Mehrwert für alle Kooperationspartner geschaffen.Ansprechpartner:
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Peglow
Wilfried-Pergande-Platz1| 06369 Südliches Anhalt – OT Weißandt-Gölzau
Tel.: +49 (0) 34978 305 128